Apr 282014

If you have no clue how to activate lightweight https in pyLoad (like I did), this post will help you:

You will need these packages (the later one’s for pyLoad itself):
apt-get install libev-dev python2.7-dev gcc python-pip gcc make grep python-pycurl python-crypto python-imaging tesseract-ocr python-openssl unrar-free

You will have to install bjoern:
pip install bjoern

The bjoern.so file will be created in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bjoern (at least in Ubuntu/Debian). According to the pyLoad wizard (pyLoadCore -s) it should be copied somewhere, but it worked for me without doing it. Now you can enable “lightweight” in pyload.conf and run pyLoadCore now.

Compared to threaded its a LOT faster!